Course curriculum

    1. Quiz 1 - Understanding by Design

    2. Quiz 2 - Adult Learning Theory

    3. Quiz 3 - Multiple Intelligences Theory

    4. Quiz 4 - Taxonomy of Learning

    1. What is an Educator?

    2. An Introduction to Understanding by Design (UbD)

    3. Malcolm Knowles on Androgogy

    4. Malcolm Knowles - The Modern Practice of Adult Education

    5. Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences

    6. Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning

    7. Delivering Criticism to Students

    8. Citizen Science, Education, and Learning: Challenges and Opportunities

    9. Richard Feynman on "What is Science?"

    10. Richard Feynman on "How to Teach Science?"

    1. Jepson Manual Glossary (Botanical Dictionary)

    1. UPOV

    2. ICNCP 9th Edition

    1. Connect by Confident Cannabis

    1. Logical fallacies in animal model research

    2. Logical Fallacies as a Possible Source of Misconceptions and Inadequate Patient Recommendations Given by Medical Professionals – A Preliminary Review

About this course

  • $4,200.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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